How to Make Clients Want You So Badly

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Hey — It’s Temidayo.

Last week brought a thrilling expansion to this community.

Our bandwidth has grown to accommodate 10,000 members! This means there’s ample space for more freelancers to join The Unfxcked Freelancer newsletter.

I’m really excited about this and I hope you feel the same, too. So, feel free to make this opportunity count by sharing this newsletter with your freelancer friends and inviting them to join.

That said, let’s jump into what I cooked up this week.

#1 – Want clients to want you so badly?

How do you make clients want to work with you so badly?

How do you become the go-to person for their problems, the one they trust to deliver?

Truth is, YOU CAN’T. You can’t force clients to badly want your service.

Because in reality, no one really cares about your skillset, your experience, your service. These things aren’t the main attraction.

So, what really hooks clients?

Their needs. Their pain points. And your ability to make them vanish.

You take away the problem, you take away their money.

#2 – It’s actually okay to fail, fast

One trend I’ve spotted among newbie freelancers is their tendency to overlook the importance of acting fast.

‘Acting fast’ means diving into the game, making mistakes, figuring out the right shit, and then doing it all over again.

Truth be told, I’ve secured many of my major projects by being quick to act, learning from mistakes, and continuously refining my approach.

In fact, from my observation, this is a common thread among many successful freelancers — including all your gurus on YouTube, Twitter, etc.

Never underestimate the power of trial and error. Fail, fast. Learn lessons. Fix, fast.

Repeat the process.

#3 – Where do the dollars hide?

Let me leave you something to think about this week.


That’s all for this week.

I’ll text you again, next Monday.

If you find this issue helpful, kindly forward it to a friend, and let them know they can subscribe to this newsletter here. It’s FREE. ➡️

If you are a freelancer feeling stuck, want to figure out your next move, land your dream clients, and make more money, you can now book a 1:1 with me here. I’m waiting for you. 🫴

If you ever need to build a portfolio website, feel free to contact me directly so I can help you build one. 👨🏽💻

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