Your Costs Are Not Your Client’s Problem

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Hey — it’s Temidayo.

Hope you had a great weekend.

Today, we’re gonna talk about a hard truth that many freelancers struggle with.

Let’s dive in.

✱ – Your Costs Are Not Your Client’s Problem

One reality many freelancers are yet to come to terms with is that, clients don’t care about your expenses.

They only care about the value they’re getting. Period.

Hold on, I’ll explain…

Let’s say you’re a graphic designer, and a client wants a logo for $100.

You know it’ll take you 20 hours, making your hourly rate way too low…

So, to make the client increase their budget, you explain that

  • you have 10 years of experience
  • you use an expensive design software and
  • you need to pay for electricity

But guess what?

All of that is just story. None of that matters to the client.

They just want a logo that’ll help their business stand out. Whatever it costs you to make that happen is your problem, not theirs.

So what can you do? You’ve got two options:

  1. Find a way to deliver value within their budget. Can you create a simpler logo in less time with a cheaper tool or AI?
  2. Walk away. If you can’t make it work profitably, it’s okay to say no.

You’re not selling your time or your costs. You’re selling outcomes and solutions.

Focus on that value, not your expenses.

Catch you next week.

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