Let’s Get This Shit Started

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Happy new year to you! 🎉

You made it through 2023, and that’s something to be proud of.

You hustled hard.

You faced challenges and Ls.

You also had your successes and Ws.

You learned, grew, and improved as a freelancer.

You’re a fxcking rockstar. 💯

But you know what?

You’re not done yet, Champ.

You have a whole new year ahead of you.

You have big dreams, big goals, and big plans for 2024.

You definitely want to take your freelance game to the next level.

You want to work with better clients, charge higher rates, and have more freedom.

You want to make this year your best year ever.

And you know what else?

You can do it.

You CAN fxcking do it!💪

Because you have everything you need to make it happen.

You have the skills and the talent.

You just need a little push, a little guidance, and a little inspiration.

Don’t fold. Because that’s where I come in this year.

I’m here to help you get this 2024 shit started with a bang.

I’m here to share with you the best tricks and strategies to level up so you can become like those successful freelancers out there.

Hold on… I’m not here to motivate you ooo.

Zero motivation here, Champ. 😄

I’m here to challenge you, one on one.

And that’s why I need you to be ready, willing, and able to take action.

I need you to be open, curious, and eager to learn.

I need you to be brave, bold, and badass.

Hello?!? Are you with me, Champ?

If you are, then hit reply and let me know.

👉 Tell me what your biggest goal for 2024 is.

👉 Tell me what your biggest challenge as a freelancer is.

👉 Tell me what your biggest question for me is.

I promise, I’ll read your reply and get back to you with feedback and advice.

Don’t miss this opportunity to start the new year with a bang.

Let’s do this, Champ.

Let’s get this shit started!

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