Short Deadlines Demand Premiums

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Hey — it’s Temidayo.

When pricing your services, one factor that should automatically trigger a premium rate is tight deadlines.

If a client needs high-quality work delivered quickly, you have no choice but to value your time and efforts accordingly.

Let me tell you why…

✱ – Short Deadlines Demand Premiums

You see, we’re already juggling multiple clients and doing our best to satisfy each client.

So when a project lands with a tight deadline, that creates an incredible disruption to the work on ground. The client is basically asking you to clear your schedule, put all your focus into this one, and even work overtime to deliver quickly.

That’s not just going to affect your time. It’s going to affect your entire lifestyle and revenue stream.

Think about it… if you normally spend 20 focused hours completing a website over the course of 2 weeks, but now a client needs that same site fully done in 3 days, that’s not business as usual. You’re taking on way more risk, putting in significantly more rushed effort, and potentially rearranging other commitments.

For this reason alone, you have every right to be compensated at a premium level for that level of schedule disruption and added workload stress.

That is to say, premium turnarounds mean one thing: premium pay, period.

Don’t let clients try to undercut those situations either.

If their timeline is asking for you to put out an extraordinary effort, you need to hold firm to extraordinary rates that make it worth the sacrifice.

Trust me, reasonable clients will be willing to pay for that luxury and they’ll take their chances with you because you’re committed to urgency.

Alright, that’s my $0.02 on this.

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