Turning Downtime into Upskill Time

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Hey — it’s Temidayo.

My weekend was low-key. No pending projects to work on, and no deadlines.

So, what did I do? I took my time to learn new stuff and gave my website a much-needed facelift.

This whole thing got me thinking about how we handle slow periods as freelancers. And today’s issue was inspired by that, as well as a suggestion from a subscriber.

✱ – Turning Downtime into Upskill Time

You cannot deny the fact that there are times when everything just dries up a bit — no gigs to work on, no clients to work with.

As much as you may see downtime as bad days, I see it as a chance to improve your skills and make yourself even more irresistible to those premium clients we’re all chasing.

I will explain in terms of football…

You will not see football players sitting around waiting for the next game during the off-season when there are no games to play. For the most part, they are working out at the gym to improve their skills, boost their fitness and strength, and prepare for a better season.

As a freelancer, your “off-season” should look something like that. You could spend time:

  • Revamping your portfolio (like I did this weekend)

  • Learning a new software that’s high-paying clients want

  • Taking a course to add a complementary skill to your offerings

  • Studying successful freelancers to refine your strategy

For instance, let’s say you’re a graphic designer. During downtime, you can decide to learn motion graphics. Or maybe you’re a copywriter. During downtime, you can decide to learn advanced SEO techniques.

Upgrades like these are like investments in your future earning potential. Every improvement you make is another selling point you can use to land premium clients down the road.

Trust me, your future self (and bank account) will thank you for it.

That’s all for this week.

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