Desire-Driven Selling

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Hey — it’s Temidayo.

Speaking at a webinar last weekend, I discussed the ‘business of writing’ and mentioned a common trap many freelance writers fall into. I address that trap in detail in this newsletter issue, and hopefully, it might just save you a ton of headaches and frustration.

Let us get started.

✱ – Desire-Driven Selling

Allow me to begin with a simple question:

You sell wheat bread, with low sales. The store beside you sells flour bread, with high sales.

Now, would you rather spend all day trying to educate every passerby about the amazing health benefits of wheat bread… Or… would you rather understand that people want only flour bread, and pivot?

Good, you have your answer.

This is exactly the case when you sell your freelance service.

If clients aren’t buying, you don’t want to spend endless time and energy trying to convince them they need your service.

Instead, you should take a step back, figure out what clients are actually asking for, and offer that instead.

Don’t try to create a market that doesn’t exist. Just go where the smart money is and give people what they already want.


The beauty of this approach is that you’re meeting an existing demand. And you’re solving a problem people already know they have.

This is so much easier than trying to create a need out of thin air.

Don’t get me wrong – innovation is great. But when you’re trying to build a steady income, it’s often smarter to go where the demand already is.

It’s not about what you think clients need. It’s about what they know they want.

That’s all for this week.

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