Hola, Unfxcked Freelancer!
Welcome to the very first issue of The Unfxcked Freelancer, where we dive deep into the world of freelancing. I’m thrilled to have you on board as we embark on this empowering, energetic, and exciting journey together.
It would be wrong to start a world-class newsletter like this without starting with a topic that lies at the core of every pro freelancer’s success: Freelancing Psychology.
Our mindset plays an essential role in shaping our freelancing journey. And who better to guide us through this exploration than the legendary Henry Ford, who once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
Now, take a moment and let that sink in.
One of the biggest challenges of freelancing that many freelancers overlook is the mental game. Why? Because freelancing is 70% mindset and 30% hard work. But many freelancers don’t know this.
The right mindset is essential for success as a freelancer. You need to believe in yourself and your abilities. You need to be confident in your ability to deliver results. You need to manage your emotions and relationships. You also need to be resilient and bounce back from setbacks.
If you’re able to understand that your mindset holds incredible power over your freelancing career, you’re already halfway to success.
On the other hand, if self-doubt and self-limiting beliefs dominate your thoughts, they can become self-fulfilling prophecies.
The Pillars of Freelancing Psychology
I can’t stress this enough: Freelancing is not just about having the right skills or finding the right clients. It’s also about building a healthy psychology that empowers you to navigate its ups and downs. Let’s take a closer look at the pillars of freelancing psychology:
- Self-Belief: Let’s say you’re a graphic designer, and a client requests a logo design. Would you say, ‘I can’t do this,’ or would you say, ‘Challenge accepted’?
Well, believing in yourself is what gets you the client or job. When you have confidence in your abilities, you’ll tackle projects with zeal. Trusting in your skills sets you up for success. - Resilience: When the going gets tough, do you go home or go harder? You see, as a freelancer, you sometimes face rejection, tight deadlines, difficult clients, or even lose all your gigs.
The truth is, all of that doesn’t matter. Your ability to bounce back stronger is what matters. In everything, you must be able to dust yourself off, refocus, and shoot harder. - Adaptability: Artificial intelligence is taking the jobs of freelancers. If it comes for your job, can you change your skin to blend into its environment? That’s why you have to be adaptable.
I tell people: I am like water. Successful freelancers form into any container they’re poured into. You have to be like water to stay ahead of the game and deliver. - Time Management: How well can you control time? How well can you meet or beat deadlines without losing your sanity? Time is a precious tool for every freelancer. It’s your most valuable resource.
With an effective time management mindset and skills, you’ll conquer projects, exceed clients’ expectations, and maintain your sanity throughout the process.
- Relationship Building: When you get a new client, do you discard them after the project or keep them around? See, freelancing is also about the connections you make.
Most successful freelancers and I thrive on referrals from nurtured relationships. You need to nurture relationships. The stronger your network, the wider the opportunities and support you get.
How to Develop a Strong Freelancing Mindset
Now that we’ve covered the pillars of freelancing psychology let’s look at practical tips to level up your mental game:
- Develop a positive mindset: You need to handle yourself with positivity. Delete the “T” in your “I CAN’T.” Practice gratitude daily. And celebrate your wins, no matter how little.
- Learn from setbacks: View failures as opportunities to grow. When you encounter a setback, take a moment to reflect on what went wrong, identify lessons learned, and use that knowledge to improve your approach next time.
- Protect your time: Time is your most valuable asset. Create a daily schedule or use time management tools to break down your work, prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and avoid distractions.
- Continue learning: Stay hungry for knowledge and improvement. Invest in courses, workshops, or books that align with your freelancing goals. The more you know, the more confident and competent you’ll become.
- Surround yourself with supportive peeps: Link up with people who understand the freelancing journey. Join online or local communities, attend boot camps or conferences, and build a support network that uplifts you.
I believe you have what it takes to excel as a freelancer. By embracing these pillars of freelancing psychology and by implementing strategies to develop a healthy freelancing mindset, you’re setting yourself up for success.
That’s a wrap on our first issue, Unfxcked Freelancer!
Catch you on the flip side,
Chief Unfxcker