Should You Build a Personal Brand as a Freelancer?

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So, I had an awesome experience last week Friday that I couldn’t wait to share with you.

My good friend Egbon Tolu invited me to join him on his newly launched Instagram Live chat, where we talked about personal branding.

In case you missed it, I shared my freelancing journey, how I started from scratch, hustling with vibes, and the moment I started building a personal brand around what I do.

You know, it wasn’t intentional at first. I was just doing what I loved – creating content out of my ideas and experiences and sharing them with the world.

But over time, I realized I wanted my ideas and experiences to become something recognizable, something that people would appreciate and associate with me.

And that is what has led to the current state and vision of my personal brand.

However, since that Instagram Live chat, I’ve had a burning question on my mind: Should you, as a freelancer, build a personal brand?

The answer is a resounding YES.

Wait, let me clarify.

It’s perfectly okay if you don’t want to create a personal brand. I mean, you should, but it’s not compulsory, and not every freelancer needs one.

Moreover, having a personal brand doesn’t guarantee a successful freelance career.

But the truth is, in today’s digital world, having a personal brand gives you an edge, as well as a unique identity that can create amazing opportunities for you.

So, why is it so essential to create a personal brand as a freelancer?

Grab your favorite drink, find a comfortable spot, and let’s dive right in.

Why Building a Personal Brand Matters

In today’s digital world, it is really nice to build a personal brand as a freelancer. Here are five good reasons why:

1. Authenticity: According to the World Bank, about 1.57 billion people in the world are freelancers. This means, you’re not the only freelancer in the world. With a unique personal brand, you can stand out. That is to say, having a personal brand makes you different from billions of freelancers out there.

2. Credibility: An important foundation of any business is trust. Clients won’t hire you if they don’t trust that you can deliver results. With a consistent and well-crafted personal brand, you can establish trust with your clients. It simply shows that you’re serious and committed to your work.

3. Visiblity: Gone are those days when clients only want to meet you on Upwork or Fiverr. These days, clients want to meet you on LinkedIn, Twitter, or even Instagram. With your personal brand, you can become more visible online. This way, clients can easily look for you to work on projects with you.

4. Connectivity: I went from just wanting to make money alone to wanting to collaborate with other freelancers. To be honest, it has been really helpful. By building a personal brand, you get to attract like-minded individuals, potential clients, and collaborators. This way, you get to building a strong network.

5. Adaptability: The world is changing daily. Currently, everyone is adjusting to the adoption of artificial intelligence. To survive this evolution, you need to adapt. A personal brand gives you the flexibility to adapt to these changes, ensuring you remain relevant as a freelancer.


That’s a wrap, Unfxcked Freelancer!

Catch you on the flip side,

Temidayo – Chief Unfxcker

The Unfxcked Freelancer

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