6 Things Freelancers Should Do Before the End of the Year

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As we say goodbye to 2023 and prepare for 2024, it’s important to reflect, strategize, and set the stage for a successful 2024.

I mean, it’s not just about holidays. It’s also about planning for a better 2024.

I know, I know. You’re probably busy chasing deadlines.

But I have just one question for you:

Have you started planning for 2024?

If not, I got you covered.

Here are 6 things you should do before the year ends:

1. Review Your 2023 Goals: Take a few moments to revisit the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of 2023. Did you achieve your goals? What worked well? What didn’t work so well? What lessons did you learn? Ask yourself these questions and adjust 2024 plans based on what you’ve covered this year.

Example: I set a goal to get 10 long-term this year. Looking back, I secured five long-term clients. For 2024, I’ll aim for five more.

2. Find Your AOS: Your AOS is your Area of Specialization. It could be a particular skill or a unique approach. Ask yourself: What are you truly passionate about What skills do you excel at? What niche market can you serve best? When you figure it out, tweak it and let your 2024 portfolio and shots be about it.

Example: My AOS is designing amazing logos. In 2024, I’ll focus on projects that allow me to craft logos that tell compelling brand stories.

3. Update Your Portfolio: As a freelancer, your portfolio is your CV. It needs to be solid. Does your portfolio showcase your best work? Is it easy to understand? Does it reflect your current AOS? These are questions you should ask. If you don’t have a portfolio, then you need to create one before 2024.

Example: I recently completed a project that shows how good I am at writing tech articles. Time to add it to my portfolio.

4. Revise Your Rates: Many freelancers struggle with adjusting their rates to ensure they’re earning what they’re worth. Are you undercharging for your services? Do your rates reflect your experience and value? If not, then you need to make adjustments to make your 2024 rates equal to your experience.

Example: As I’ve gained more experience in graphic design, I’ll be revising my rates to better align with what other freelancers are charging.

5. Evaluate Your Client List: Not all clients are created equal. Some are a good fit for you, others are not. You need to review your current client list and select the ones that bring you fulfillment. Select the ones that enable you to produce quality work. Focusing on working with them more in 2024.

Example: I’ve had a great working relationship with Temidayo XYZ this year. In 2024, I aim to deepen this partnership and collaborate more together.

6. Set Your 2024 Goals: After reviewing all that happened in 2023, it is important to set goals you want to achieve in 2024. Write them down somewhere and break them down into actionable steps. These goals will help guide you and determine what works for you next year.

Example: One of my goals is to increase my monthly income by 20%. To achieve this, I’ll chase higher-paying projects and expand what I offer.

I should let you know that things are changing every day.

Many freelancers who struggled in 2023 struggled because they were not prepared for the whole AI incident.

So, in 2024, be ready to pivot when necessary. Learn new skills, especially AI-related skills. Trust me, 2024, will be more of AI.

Also, build and nurture relationships. You never know when a casual connection could turn into a significant opportunity.

All in all, take control of 2024.


That’s a wrap, Unfxcked Freelancer!

Catch you on the flip side,

Temidayo – Chief Unfxcker

The Unfxcked Freelancer

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