No Gree For Anybody

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See, it’s really funny how we all just decided to go with the “no gree for anybody” theme this year. LOL

Like, how did we even come up with that? 😂

Anyway, that’s not why I’m in your inbox today.

I’m here because I have something that might save your freelance business from sinking this year.

Something that I learned the hard way.

It’s still all about the attitude of “no gree for anybody.”

It’s even more about your ego. When you let it take over.

When you don’t care about what anyone else thinks or says.

When you don’t listen to anyone’s advice or feedback.

When you think you’re the best and the smartest and the coolest.

You see, the thing about ego is that it makes you feel like you’re in control of your own destiny.

But trust me, you’re really not.

Especially when it comes to your clients.

Because your clients are the ones who pay you, give you work, and help you grow.

So, they’re the only ones who matter.

And if you don’t ‘gree’ for them, you’ll lose them.

That’s what happened to me.

I lost two of my best clients in 2021 because of my “no gree for anybody” attitude.

Let me tell you how.

I was a freelance writer and I was into business plan writing then.

I had a few loyal clients who loved my work and paid me well.

I was proud of my work. At that point, I thought I was the shit.

And that’s where the problem started.

I became too arrogant and started to think that I was irreplaceable.

That no freelancer out there could do what I did.

I started thinking I didn’t need to listen to feedback from my clients or even improve the quality of my work.

When my clients sent emails, I replied after a few days. When they called me, I ignored their calls and only returned the calls whenever I felt comfortable.

Big mistake for me.

But the good thing is, I changed my ways and started getting more clients and projects.

You see, the freelance market is competitive.

There are always new and talented freelancers out there who are willing to work harder, smarter, and cheaper than you.

And if you don’t keep up with them, you’ll lose your edge.

And your clients.

I am sharing this story with you because I don’t want the same to happen to you.

If you really want to achieve the financial goals you’ve set for this year, you have to be willing to let go of your ego.

You have to be willing to admit that you don’t know everything and that you’re open to learning.

You have to be willing to improve yourself and serve your clients really well.

Because your clients are not your enemies. They’re your friends and your source of income.

So, in all your “no gree for anybody, make sure you ‘gree’ for your clients.

Before you lose them.

That’s my game for you today and this week.

I’d love to hear from you.

If you have any questions or challenges about crushing your ego or achieving your goals this year, please reply to this email and let me know.

I’m here to help.

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