Come Out, QI + RG = LS + FR, Don’t Avoid the Fight

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Hey — It’s Temidayo.

I can’t believe I’ve made it this far—this is issue 30 of this newsletter.

I’m surprised because the usual me would have gotten bored and given up a long time ago.

But here I am, still showing up, putting in the work, and growing every week

I’ve had a hectic January. Yet, I still find time to hunt potential clients, work on projects for clients, and even do my content creation thing.

If this has taught me anything, it’s that when we put our minds (not hearts) into anything, we tend to give it our all.

That said, let’s jump into what I cooked up this week.

#1 – Come out of your comfort zone

I put this one out on X today. And I think the message is loud and clear.

#2 – QI + RG = LS + FR

I’m going to explain this formula, in case you were curious.

It simply means Quality Information + Right Guidance = Less Struggle + Fast Result. This is one of the finest strategies for winning this game, I promise.

As a freelancer, you need to constantly learn, grow, and stay updated. You need to know what works, what doesn’t, and what’s next.


Because the best way to easily and quickly win as a freelancer is to have the right freelancing update at the right time.

But update alone is not enough. You also need guidance from courses, mentors, coaches, etc.

I learned this one from Mesioye, one of my clients who is also a top freelancer.

#3 – Don’t avoid the fight

Most freelancers go through the freelancing game avoiding the fight.

They don’t want to lose clients, they don’t want rejection from potential clients… they want nothing but the satisfaction of winning.

You see, the problem is that you won’t win big in freelancing with that kind of attitude. It will keep you in your comfort zone, where nothing grows.

You don’t want that.

Sometimes, try to lose bad clients, shoot big shots at potential clients that scare you, overbid for jobs, etc. Just do things that make you uncomfortable, uncertain, and vulnerable.

That’s how you fight. And win. And sometimes, lose. And create opportunity to fight harder. And then, fight again. And again. And again. Until you win.

I guess that will be all for today.

Which one resonates with you?

Which one challenges you?

Think about it.

There will be no goody bag today due to digital logistics issues.

I’ll text you again, next Monday.

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If you ever need to build a portfolio website, feel free to contact me directly so I can help you build one. 👨🏽‍💻

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