Upwork Update and Fiverr Ad

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Hey — It’s Temidayo.

I have to admit that nothing is worse than having a good client who suddenly turns bad. Because that’s what happened to me recently. 😡

I’ve been working with this client consistently for about two years now, delivering quality work, meeting deadlines and all of that.

And now, she’s ghosting me when it’s time to pay up for a recent project I just completed. 🙄

I’m not giving up, though. I’m going to get what I deserve. She can run, but she can’t hide. 😈

But enough about my drama. Let’s get to the good stuff.

Here’s what I have for you this week.

#1 – Upwork’s direct contracts update: a bad deal

If you use the Direct Contract feature on Upwork, you may want to reconsider your options. Because Upwork has recently announced that it will change the way Direct Contracts work and affect your earnings and relationships with your clients.


I’m not even going to lie, I was furious when I saw the news.

Why should I pay a 5% service fee on the earnings I make on my direct contracts? And why should my clients have to create an Upwork account and pay extra fees for nothing?

That’s just pushing them towards your competitors and making them unhappy and unsatisfied because of Upwork’s greed.

This new update is nothing but a bad deal and a rip-off!

So, if you value your non-Upwork clients, you’d better keep them away from Upwork.

#2 – You focus on getting better too much

It’s one thing to get better at what you do, it’s another thing to start selling what you can currently do.

Many freelancers make the mistake of neglecting sales and focusing on getting better at their skills.

It’s always “I want to become better at what I do” but never “I want to start selling what I can do.” 🙄

When you go out there, you’ll be surprised at how many people who are less skilled than you make more money than you.

Start focusing on marketing and sales and watch yourself naturally get better at what you do.

#3 – Something interesting from Fiverr

I recently came across a very smart ad Fiverr made last year, and I thought I should share.

I find it intriguing that they were able to create something that speaks to everyone and addresses the concerns freelancers have at the moment.

Here is it (what do you think? 🧐):

That’s all for today.

I hope you enjoyed it.

By the way, let me know what you think about Upwork’s update and Fiverr’s ad.

Still working on the freelance roadmap I promised. 🤧

I’ll text you again, next Monday.

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