Things You Should Not Put In Your Proposals

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Hey — It’s Temidayo.

Last week was a bit uneventful, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed and hoping something interesting happens this week so I can share it with you next week.

That said, let’s jump into what I cooked up this week.

#1 – What not to put in your proposal

When a client asks you about the cost of designing a logo, resist the urge to fill your proposal with unnecessary stories about yourself, the number of hours you will spend, or even the number of drafts you’ll provide.

In reality, no client wants to hear any of that. They are more interested in how the logo will benefit them and their business.

Your proposal should show clients the benefits: how will the new logo transform their brand identity? How will it better their visibility in the market? These are the aspects that should take center stage in your proposals.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re crafting proposals on Upwork, Fiverr, or sending cold emails or DMs. It doesn’t even matter whether you are into writing, design, or development. You just have to prioritize the client’s benefits in your pitch.

Doing this not only aligns your workflow with their expectations but also steers the conversation towards the value you bring to the table.

#2 – Do it today, not tomorrow

I promised myself that this year, I’d cut down on procrastination. I’ve made some progress, but I’ve not fully mastered the art of ‘doing it today‘.

There are times when I want to work on my gigs, yet I convince myself I’m too tired, or it can wait until tomorrow, or the client won’t notice if I don’t start right away. Most times, the day ends with me just staring at my screen or reading a book that won’t add a dime to my bank account.

For us freelancers, procrastination is an inner battle. It’s why we have no choice but to do the uncomfortable work, even when it’s the last thing we want. You have to act now, not later.

Want more clients? Reach out with your proposals today. Want more dollars for your work? Ask for it today. Want more time? Do the work now and make that free time.

Today is the day.

#3 – Legends are not born — they are made

Let me leave you with this one…

That’s all for today.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Still working on the freelance roadmap I promised.

I’ll text you again, next Monday.

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