The Follow, Follow-Up, and Follow-Through Framework

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Hey — It’s Temidayo.

I really don’t have any exciting updates from last week to share with you.

However, I wanted to take a moment to say that, it’s a new week to be world-class. BE WORLD-CLASS.

That said, let’s jump into what I cooked up this week.

✱ – The Follow, Follow-Up, and Follow-Through Framework

One of the biggest ways to scale as a freelancer is by landing premium, high-paying clients.

That’s why you will never see a top freelancer charging $10 for a gig. NEVER.

But you might want to ask…

How do top freelancers land premium clients?

Well, it all comes down to nailing a simple three-step process:

Follow => Follow-Up => Follow-Through

Don’t worry, I’ll break down exactly what I mean—the way top freelancers do it.

First, you want to “FOLLOW” your ideal, premium client.

It doesn’t matter where you do it. It could be via email, Twitter, LinkedIn, Upwork, in person, or elsewhere.

You don’t have to spam them with unnecessary pitches or proposals. Just identify where they hang out, let them know you exist, and connect with them. Simple.

Now that you have your big fish, you want to do a “FOLLOW-UP” and hold them tight.

Here, you nurture the connections you’ve made. You check in, add value before asking for anything, and build rapport and trust over time.

You can’t just connect with them once and disappear. You have to show you’re different from other guys who just want their money. This keeps you at the top of their mind when they really need your services.

Once you’ve gotten that A+ client, you go on to nail the “FOLLOW-THROUGH.”

At this point, you have no choice but to go far above and beyond to deliver high-quality work that makes them your number 1 fan. You can’t do mediocre work here.

The moment you burst their brains, these premium clients become your personal ATMs. They retain you, use your service repeatedly, give you their money, and even refer people in their network.

Now, you see how this whole framework flows together? GOOD!

If you hack this, you have an endless stream of premium clients.

Alright, that’s all I’ve got for you this week.

I would love to hear from you. How am I doing with The Unfxcked Freelancer? Tell me here.

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I’ll text you again, next Monday.

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