Which Freelancing Platform is Right for You?

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It’s usually funny when I go on Twitter and I see freelancers talking about Fiverr and Upwork as the only platforms to make good money.

Don’t get me wrong.

While these platforms are useful for freelance work, relying solely on them can be detrimental to your freelance business.

I’ve been around the freelancing block, and the struggle was insane.

I spent 8 long months tirelessly sending proposal after proposal on Upwork before landing my first client there. It was that tough.

On Fiverr, though, I had a different problem – I kept running into bots disguised as clients. It was that frustrating.

But then, I didn’t give up. After much trial and error, I finally found my sweet spot on LinkedIn, where my efforts are finally bearing fruit.

With my experience on all these platforms, I can categorically tell you that when it comes to freelancing, the platform does not really matter.

So what matters?

Grab your favorite drink, find a comfortable spot, and let’s find out.

Why Platforms Do Not Matter

Platforms are just tools.

It has nothing significant to do with you getting clients and growing your freelance business. Because at the end of the day, it’s all about how you present yourself, your skills, and your unique selling proposition.

Take for instance some popular freelancing platforms:

  • Upwork is a massive marketplace with plenty of opportunities, but it can be fiercely competitive.
  • Fiverr, on the other hand, is known for its gig system, but it has a low entry barrier.
  • Freelancer can be hit or miss, as some freelancers report a lower quality of clients.
  • And then there’s LinkedIn, which is also a goldmine for freelancers but your success there depends on your ability to network. 

So you see, there is no RIGHT PLATFORM.

No, seriously, there isn’t. So why limit yourself to just one?

You can make connections and find clients through any platform, even beyond traditional freelancing platforms.

You’d be surprised that some freelancers are getting high-quality clients through social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Some even use their personal website to showcase their skills and attract clients.

The key is to find what works for you without putting all your eggs in one basket. Experiment with multiple platforms that align with your niche to create a diverse client base, if possible. And focus on your craft and how you can leverage these platforms to reach your potential clients.

Platform is just your visibility as a freelancer. You need to pair it with the right strategy to see your expected results.

So when trying to choose the right platform, always have it in mind that freelancing is dynamic. And what works for one person may not work for another.

That’s a wrap, Unfxcked Freelancer!


Catch you on the flip side,

Temidayo – Chief Unfxcker

The Unfxcked Freelancer

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