The Not-So-Secret Secret

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Hey there — It’s Temidayo.

Today, I will as straightforward as possible, while trying not to make this issue a motivational one.

There is no secret to making it as a freelancer. No magic formula. No shortcut.

Let me explain.

The Not-So-Secret Secret to Freelance Success

I get that we’re all looking for that one trick that’ll turn our freelance careers around overnight.

But the truth is that, if you’re constantly searching for shortcuts, you’ll never stop searching.

And while you’re busy chasing shadows, you’re missing out on the real path to success.

Think about learning to ride a bicycle. There’s no secret way to learn. You have to get on the damn bicycle, fall a few times, get injured, and keep pedaling until you find your balance.

Freelancing is exactly the same.

The real secret is in putting in the work, day in and day out.

It’s in taking risks. It’s in trying new things.

It’s in being okay with the fact that not everything will work out perfectly.

It’s in experimentation and learning from both your successes and your failures.

The freelancers who truly succeed aren’t the ones who found some magical shortcut.

They’re the ones who showed up consistently, weren’t afraid to try new things, and learned from every experience – good or bad.

Talk to you next week.

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