Transitioning from Full-Time Employment to Freelancing

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Hola, Unfxcked Freelancer👋🏼!

Welcome to another week of getting unstuck, taking control, and going pro as a freelancer. In case you missed my last newsletter, see the full archive of previous issues here.

I started freelancing when I was at the University. And even when I finished, I continued freelancing.

No unnecessary corporate job. No boss. No commuting.

It was just me, my skills, and my laptop against the world.

Now, you might be wondering, “Did I have a secret formula?” Not really. What I did have was big determination, a healthy mindset, and a splash of audacity.

This whole thing turned out to be one of the most exciting decisions of my life.

But enough about me, let’s talk about you.

Maybe you’re sitting at your office desk this morning, imagining a life where you call the shots. Just you and your clients. Zero boss or manager.

Guess what?

You absolutely can.

Whether you’re currently employed full-time, part-time, or even totally unemployed, freelancing welcomes anyone with skills and guts.

So how do you transition into freelancing and what should you put in mind when transitioning?

Grab your favorite drink, find a comfortable spot, and let’s dive right in.

Bracing Yourself for the Transition

Transitioning to freelancing isn’t just about changing your daily routine; it’s about adjusting your mindset. Because freelancing is basically a game of mindset.

You see, in the corporate world, your path is usually laid out for you. The rules are always there for you to follow. But as a freelancer, you’re not just the driver – you’re the construction engineer of the road. And that’s where the freedom is!

Here’s what you need to know as you take this leap:

1. Part-Time Power: The beauty of freelancing is in the fact that it’s not an all-or-nothing game. You don’t have to dump your full-time job to dive into freelancing. You can ease into it by freelancing part-time alongside your main gig. It’s like having the best of both worlds while testing the waters.

2. Mind Your Time: Transitioning means you’re ready to be in charge of every hour of your day. It’s like going from a manual to exploring a new device on your own. Set boundaries, create a schedule, and stick to it. It might sound tough, but trust me, it’s the key to maintaining your sanity.

3. Embrace Uncertainty: Getting a regular paycheck is exciting, I get it. But freelancing is a continuous dance with uncertainty. Some months, you make a lot of money; other months, you make little or nothing. This is where your creative problem-solving skills will shine. The more you navigate through uncertainty, the more you’ll thrive.

4. Diversify Your Hustle: There is no manual for freelancing but there are tricks to the game. One of it is to mix and match your skills. If you’re a graphic designer who can also write killer copy, use both to your advantage. This not only opens up more opportunities but keeps your work exciting and dynamic.

5. The Ultimate Fusion: As you step into freelancing, remember that networking and upskilling are interconnected. Building a strong network can bring in projects, and upskilling keeps your services fresh and in demand. Balancing these two is your secret formula for freelance success.

In the grand scheme of life, transitioning from full-time employment to freelancing might seem like a radical shift. But the truth is, every freelancer’s journey is unique, and your path is yours to tread. As you sail into the freelancing world, create your own script and own your dance without waiting for someone else’s permission.

That’s a wrap, Unfxcked Freelancer!

Catch you on the flip side,

Temidayo – Chief Unfxcker

The Unfxcked Freelancer

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